Armed or unarmed trees or shrubs, sometimes climbing, rarely suffrutices or perennial herbs (Thamnosma only). Stipules 0. Leaves opposite or alternate, simple or compound, often aromatic when crushed, dotted with translucent glands which may be confined to the margin only, usually readily visible when the leaf is held up to the light. Inflorescence a panicle, raceme or cluster. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, (2-)4-5-merous. Petals free. Stamens as many as or twice the number of petals, inserted at base of disk. Ovary composed of a single carpel or of 2-5(-7) partially or wholly united carpels, superior or semi-inferior. Fruit baccate or drupaceous, 1-4-locular or a capsule or rarely a 1-seeded follicle. Worldwide: 153 genera and 1,800 species, cosmopolitan, but especially in tropical areas. Burundi: 5 genera and 9 taxa. Insects associated with this family: |
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