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Kupicha, F.K. (1983) Sapotaceae Flora Zambesiaca 7(1)
Trees and shrubs, with milky latex (sometimes produced rather reluctantly); branching pattern repeatedly subterminal. Indumentum of microscopic T-shaped, Y-shaped or medifixed hairs, often reddish-brown on young leaves and branchlets. Stipules present or 0. Leaves alternate, often clustered at ends of branches, simple, petiolate, entire. Flowers usually solitary or in fascicles, in leaf axils or on older wood, bisexual, rarely unisexual by reduction, actinomorphic. Calyx in 1 row, 5-merous or with 2 rows of 3 segments each (Manilkara) or 4 segments each (Mimusops, Vitellariopsis). Corolla gamopetalous; petals simple or with two appendages. Stamens inserted in the corolla tube. Ovary superior. Fruit a berry (in ours) with sticky, often edible, pulp. Seeds ± flattened-ellipsoid with shiny testa. Worldwide: 53 genera and 975 species, tropical, few temperate. Burundi: 4 genera and 9 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Chrysophyllum L. | Description |
Manilkara Adans. | Description |
Pouteria Aubl. | Description |
Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell | Description |
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