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Peterson, B. (1978) Thymelaeaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa
Peterson, B. (updated by Verdcourt, B.) (2006) Thymelaeaceae Flora Zambesiaca 9(3)
Shrubs or perennial herbs. Leaves simple, entire, without stipules. Calyx tubular or funnel-shaped, usually coloured and petaloid. Petals generally inserted in the throat of the calyx-tube. Ovary superior, 1-2-locular. Worldwide: 53 genera and 750 species, cosmopolitan, but especially Australia and tropical Africa. Burundi: 3 genera and 8 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Gnidia L. | Description |
Peddiea Harv. ex Hook. | Description |
Struthiola L. | Description |
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