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Fayaz, F. (2011) Encyclopedia of Tropical Plants Firefly Books, New Zealand
Shrubs or small to medium sized trees. Leaves entire, glabrous, mid-rib prominent with distinct to obscure intra-marginal and lateral veins. Inflorescence cymes, compound, bracteates, usually thyrsoid to umbel-shaped, often condensed to sessile fascicles of flowers or few-flowered heads at tips of peduncles; Flowers tetramerous; calyx campanulate to cupuliform or urceolate, glabrous (occasionally papillose), smooth or shallowly striate to deeply furrowed with 8 radiating wings inside; petals thin, easily dropped at anthesis. Fruit globose or sometimes ellipsoid, pulpy or juicy seeds. Worldwide: 200-300 species in Old World tropics. Burundi: 2 taxa. |
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afroschismaticum R.D.Stone | ||
flavovirens Baker | Description, Image |
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