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Clarke, H. & Charters, M. (ed. Moll, E.) (2016) The Illustrated Dictionary of Southern African Plant Names Jacana Media, South Africa
Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves alternate (in ours). Flowers resupinate (in ours), in racemes or solitary in leaf axils, zygomorphic. Bracteoles conspicuous, resembling small leaves. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla 2-lipped (in ours), with upper lip 2-lobed, lower 3-lobed. Stamens 5; anthers united into a tube; all of them penicillate at the tip, the two lateral ones somewhat longer than the others and with shorter hairs at tip. Ovary inferior or ± so, 2-locular. Stigma lobes with a ring of hairs present on the style below. Fruit a capsule dehiscing by 2 apical valves or ± indehiscent. Derivation of name: mono- (Gr.) = single; -opsis = resembling; referring to the fact that the flowers of most species in this genus look the same. (Clarke, Charters & Moll-Ed., 225, 2016). Worldwide: 18 species in tropical and South Africa Burundi: 1 taxon. |
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stellarioides (Presl.) Urb. subsp. schimperiana (Urb.) Thulin | Image |
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