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Mackinder, B. et al. (2001) Papilionoideae Flora Zambesiaca 3(5)
Verdcourt, B. (2000) Papilionoideae Flora Zambesiaca 3(6)
Herbs or subshrubs, erect or climbing. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules persistent, not spurred, ribbed; stipels persistent. Inflorescences either axillary on leafy stems or appearing terminal on leafless shoots, pseudoracemose, many-flowered; rhachis sometimes swollen at the insertion of the pedicels. Flowers mostly showy, white to purple; calyx 5-lobed, 2-lipped, the lower 3 lobes ovate-triangular, the upper pair of lobes united to form an entire or bifid lip; standard auriculate but without appendages, glabrous; keel with marked basal spur, apex beaked, spirally twisted. Ovary linear, 2–12-ovuled. Fruit pods linear or linear-oblong, often curved, the valves sometimes twisting after dehiscence. Seeds large or small, ellipsoid or subcylindric; hilum linear or elliptic to ovate; aril absent. Worldwide: Four or five species in tropical Africa. Burundi: 1 taxon. |
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mesoponticum Taub. |
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