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Annual or perennial herbs or suffrutices. Leaves alternate or opposite, simple or sometimes lobed or dissected. Flowers actinomorphic, in a 1-3-flowered pseudumbel. Sepals and petals 5. Stamens 15, all fertile, in 5 bundles of 3 filaments each, the central filament of each triad the longer. Extrastaminal glands present, 5, adnate to the base of the longer central filaments. Ovary 5-locular. Beak of mericarp persistent, helically twisting when ripe, plumose on the inside. Derivation of name: Named after Lady Anne Monson, great granddaughter of Charles II of England, who collected plants in India and South Africa with Thunberg and Masson. Worldwide: 25 species in Africa, Madagascar and SW Asia Burundi: 1 taxon. |
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angustifolia E. Mey. ex A. Rich. | Description, Image |
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