Dioecious (rarely monoecious) shrubs or trees, often spiny, outer bark often papery or peeling, inner bark greenish, often secreting aromatic resin. Flowers unisexual (rarely bisexual), usually appearing before or with the leaves. Calyx 4-lobed. Petals 4, free, spreading or recurved at apex. Stamens 8, vestigial in female flowers. Ovary 2(-3)-locular, style short, stigma capitate. Fruit containing a single stone, outer layer fleshy or leathery, splitting into 2 longitudinal
valves to reveal the inner layer, attached to which is usually a pseudaril, which is often brightly coloured. Worldwide: 190 species in warm Africa, Madagascar, Arabia to Sri Lanka, Mexico and South America Burundi: 6 taxa. |
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