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Breteler, F.J. (2001) The genus Trichoscypha (Anacardiaceae) in Upper Guinea: A synoptic revision Adansonia, ser. 3 23(2) 247-264
Breteler, F.J. (2004) The genus Trichoscypha (Anacardiaceae) in Lower Guinea and Congolia: A synoptic revision Adansonia, ser. 3 26(1) 97-127
Sarmentose trees, shrubs or lianes with white to pink contact dermatitis-causing exudate turning black with oxidation. Leaves evergreen, alternate, imparipinnate or rarely simple. Leaflets opposite or alternate, entire, glabrous to densely pubescent. Thyrsoid panicles terminal and/or axillary or cauliflorous. Female inflorescences with shorter, thicker axis than males. Male flowers: calyx and corolla 4(-6)-partite; disk glabrous to densely pubescent, cup-shaped; stamens in one whorl, pistillode 0 or present and reduced. Female flowers: staminodes reduced; gynoecium glabrous to densely pubescent; ovary 3-4(-6)-carpellate; styles (1-)3-4(-6), patent or erect; stigmas 3, capitate to shallowly 2-lobed (rarely sessile); ovule 1, apical, pendulous. Drupe slightly oblique, variable in shape, with fleshy mesocarp and exocarp, glabrous to densely pubescent, 1-locular. [Description contributed by Dr Susan Pell] NOTE: Approximately 80 species were recognized in Trichoscypha until Breteler's (2001, 2004) revision of the genus in which he recognized 14 species in Upper Guinea and 18 in Lower Guinea and Congolia. Worldwide: 32 species in tropical West and Central Africa, and eastern to southern Africa. Burundi: 1 taxon. |
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